AniaWM, trzymam mocno kciuki za Ciebie
Bedzie dobrze. Moja dzidzia tez sie na razie nie odwrocila, ale ja mam jeszcze troche czasu...choc polozna powiedziala, ze od nastepnej wizyty trzeba bedzie to zaczac nadzorowac.
Wczoraj mielismy pierwsza lekcje na kursie rodzenia u nas w domu z mezem, w jezyku angielskim. Bardzo mila pani. Poznalismy kilka naturalnik technik radzenia sobie z bolem, stresem, co moze robic maz w trakcie porodu, aby mi pomoc. Jedna lekcja i juz jestem spokojniejsza przezd porodem. Najwazniejsze to poznac "wroga"";-)
A teraz cos mniej pozytywnego, chyba zlapalam jakas infekcje pochwy...tzn. ja nie mam objawow, ale pojawily sie u meza. Bylismy u lekarza i przepisal mi czopki, a mezowi kremik. Pobrali ode mnie tez material na posiew i w przyszlym tygodniu wyniki. Lekarz powiedzial, aby sie niczym nie martwic, bo infekcja jest delikatna i nie ma zagrozenia dla dzidzi, no ale podleczyc sie trzeba. Jestem ciekawa wynikow, bo nigdy jeszcze nie mialam infekcji babskiej.
A wklejam listę rzeczy do szpitala (po angielsku) jaką dostałam w szkole rodzenia. Moze komuś się przyda.
What could you take to the hospital?
Clothes for yourself and your partner in case it takes longer then anticipated; clothes for when you go home - no longer pregnant!
For yourself warm socks, a cardigan, a spare (long) T-shirt for during labor.
Multiple sizes baby clothes 50-56 - hat, bodysuit, socks, suit. The hospital has nappies.
A hot water bottle or ‘hittepetit’, toothbrushes, cologne, camera (charged batteries!), your own pillow (case) if you like, music, games, ‘things that can make you feel at home ".
Energy drinks, fruit drinks, Dextro Energy, fruit bars or other snacks that you like.
The birth plan if you have one.
Phone (think about it if you would like to turn it off during the birth); a list of important phone numbers.
Money and coins (parking and wheelchair), charged chipcard.
Maxi-Cosi (practice it’s use beforehand!)
You do not have to take the maternitypackage (kraampakket), it is for use at home!
Linki do filmu (po angielsku) Simone Buitendijk, 3 części po 20 minut. Pani opowiada o porodach w Holandii:
Oraz wklejam jeszcze plan porodu i 1 egzemplarz przykładowo wypełnionego planu przez jedną z przyszłych mam. Sama zamierzam sobie taki plan zrobić i dać go położnej oraz zabrać ze sobą do szpitala.
Birthplan (WZÓR)
- Commencement birth
- Labour
- Breathcoaching
- Doula
- pain suppression
- Hospital
- Transport
- Baby
- Umbilical cord
- Placenta
- Fear(s)
Phone numbers:
- Hospital
- Obstetrician
- Kraamzorg
- mother
- partner
Przykładowy plan porodu:
ommencement birth:
Call doula and midwife as soon as possible.
I want doula to be there from the start of the labour until the birth of the baby. As long as I’m not left alone, <partner> and doula can also take some time to attend to their own needs (eat, rest, etc...) <Partner> and doula will handle any phone calls. I want to capture all moments of the birth but no pictures or film of baby coming out of me.
• Apply the breathing techniques and positions from yoga.
• To walk as much as possible.
• I would like to do/take the best position that I think is best for me.
• Massage will be very much appreciated.
• I would like to have privacy during labor and birth. This also applies to unnecessary people walking in and out of the room. If possible, the least number of people checking in on me in the room (i.e., no repeated questions by students).
• If possible, dim lights during labor and birth, no harsh hospital lights. If it is during the day, open curtains and minimal noise.
Pain medication:
No painmedication unless I have asked for it. If it is really necessary, <partner>, I and doula should be informed first about the effects of it on my baby and me. If I am not in a state anymore of making a clear decision, <partner> will decide for me.
• Epi only if it is necessary for the baby and not because it is a part of a routine procedure.
• <partner> will cut the umbilical cord after it has stopped beating.
• Let the placenta be “born” on its own manner, no injections unless it is really necessary.
• I want to see the placenta, please make photos of it.
• Please make our first picture as a family.
• If everything is okay with my baby, I want him immediately after his birth on my breast/stomach.
• Baby should be close to me at all times and I want to be informed immediately with his Apgar score.
• I want to breastfeed but if it is not a success, then with the help of a breast pump. If it still doesn’t work, then the hospital staff must give information to me and <partner> if the baby will be fed with formula.
Wishes for positions:
Here I want coaching from doula because I have no idea how to deal with it.
Dostalam jeszcze na kursie 14 stronicowy poradnik w pdf-ie po angielsku jak radzic sobie z bolem i stresem w ciazy, co moze zrobic partner, jakie pozycje sa polecane. Jakby ktos byl zainteresowany to niech pisze na priva podesle na maila