Co tu tak dzis pusto????
Barmanka79- Ten festiwal w Dundrum na farmie jest 25-26.lipca, my na pewno tam pojedziemy,bo chcemy malemu zwierzatka pokazac a przy okazji festivalu beda inne ciekawe wydarzenia:
World music and sound on the farm for all the family to enjoy
Daily ticket included in entry fee to the walk
Season ticket holders come free
Saturday 25th
12-2pm: Explore sound works situated around the Airfield estate. These temporary works will remain on site until the end of August.
2-4 pm: Performance by Lunfardia
Enjoy a voyage to the New World withIrish/South American folk American folk ensemble Lunfardia -named from the street lingo of 19th Century Buenos Aires.Thefive piecepresent simmering Tangos and Milongas from Buenos Aires, rough-hewn Chacareras from the Argentinean pampas and grooving Joropos from Venezuela. Performance supported by Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council Arts Office.
Sunday 26th
12.30-1.30pm: Drum Circle
Join in our drum circle of up to 50 people and create a unique in-the-moment rhythm. Drumming expert Neil Dowling will facilitate but ultimately the music will be made by you!
2-4 pm: Performance by The North Strand Kontra Band
Since exploding onto the scene in the past few years, theNorth Strand Kontra Band have enjoyed a huge wave of success. Specialising in the music of the Balkans, their combination of wild melodies and explosive energy always makes for an unforgettable show.
Na Air Show w Bray tez bedziemy (-wlasnie Krzys wrocil i potwierdzil
), wiec fajnie by bylo sie tam gdzies zobaczyc,jak sadzicie???
Ale pamietajcie o zarezerwowaniu wolnego ostatniego weekendu sierpnia !!!Ostatecznie program bedzie znany w poniedzialek,wiec Wam napisze.Cudowna impreza.....
Acha i jeszcze co chcialam Wam polecic, to stronka poswiecona naturalnemu rodzicielstwu.Ja jestem jak najbardziej ZA

Barmanka79- Ten festiwal w Dundrum na farmie jest 25-26.lipca, my na pewno tam pojedziemy,bo chcemy malemu zwierzatka pokazac a przy okazji festivalu beda inne ciekawe wydarzenia:
World music and sound on the farm for all the family to enjoy
Daily ticket included in entry fee to the walk
Season ticket holders come free
Saturday 25th
12-2pm: Explore sound works situated around the Airfield estate. These temporary works will remain on site until the end of August.
2-4 pm: Performance by Lunfardia
Enjoy a voyage to the New World withIrish/South American folk American folk ensemble Lunfardia -named from the street lingo of 19th Century Buenos Aires.Thefive piecepresent simmering Tangos and Milongas from Buenos Aires, rough-hewn Chacareras from the Argentinean pampas and grooving Joropos from Venezuela. Performance supported by Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council Arts Office.
Sunday 26th
12.30-1.30pm: Drum Circle
Join in our drum circle of up to 50 people and create a unique in-the-moment rhythm. Drumming expert Neil Dowling will facilitate but ultimately the music will be made by you!
2-4 pm: Performance by The North Strand Kontra Band
Since exploding onto the scene in the past few years, theNorth Strand Kontra Band have enjoyed a huge wave of success. Specialising in the music of the Balkans, their combination of wild melodies and explosive energy always makes for an unforgettable show.
Na Air Show w Bray tez bedziemy (-wlasnie Krzys wrocil i potwierdzil

Ale pamietajcie o zarezerwowaniu wolnego ostatniego weekendu sierpnia !!!Ostatecznie program bedzie znany w poniedzialek,wiec Wam napisze.Cudowna impreza.....
Acha i jeszcze co chcialam Wam polecic, to stronka poswiecona naturalnemu rodzicielstwu.Ja jestem jak najbardziej ZA
