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Ania Ślusarczyk (aniaslu)


Adiuwanty w szczepionkach

13 Grudzień 2018
Cześć! Mam pytanie co do adiuwantów w szczepionkach. Napiszcie mi proszę co o nich myślicie albo podeślijcie link gdzie mogłabym poznać ten temat. Będę wdzieczna
Pierwszy link po wpisaniu w google słów: adiuwanty szczepienia dostarcza całą listę publikacji:
1. Levy O., Goriely S., Kollmann T.R.: Immune response to vaccine adjuvants during the first year of life. Vaccine, 2013; 31: 2500–2505
2. Rappuoli R., Mandl C.W., Black S., et al.: Vaccines for the twenty-first century society. Nat. Rev. Immunol., 2011; 11: 865–872
3. O’Neill L.A., Golenbock D., Bowie A.G.: The history of Toll-like receptors – redefining innate immunity. Nat. Rev. Immunol., 2013; 13: 453–460
4. Dowling D.J., Levy O.: Ontogeny of early life immunity. Trends Immunol., 2014; 35: 299–310
5. PrabhuDas M., Adkins B., Gans H., et al.: Challenges in infant immunity: implications for responses to infection and vaccines. Nat. Immunol., 2011; 12: 189–194
6. Levitz S.M., Golenbock D.T.: Beyond empiricism: informing vaccine development through innate immunity research. Cell, 2012; 148: 1284–1292
7. Plotkin S.A., Plotkin S.L.: The development of vaccines: how the past led to the future. Nat. Rev. Microbiol., 2011; 9: 889–893
8. Brito L.A., Malyala P., O’Hagan D.T.: Vaccine adjuvant formulations: a pharmaceutical perspective. Semin. Immunol., 2013; 25: 130–145
9. Swartz M.A., Hirosue S., Hubbell J.A.: Engineering approaches to immunotherapy. Sci. Transl. Med., 2012; 4: 148–149
10. Pulendran B., Ahmed R.: Immunological mechanisms of vaccination. Nat. Immunol., 2011; 12: 509–517
11. Koff W.C., Burton D.R., Johnson P.R., et al.: Accelerating next-generation vaccine development for global disease prevention. Science, 2013; 340: 1 232 910
12. Bachmann M.F., Jennings G.T.: Vaccine delivery: a matter of size, geometry, kinetics and molecular patterns. Nat. Rev. Immunol., 2010; 10: 787–796
13. Flach T.L., Ng G., Hari A., et al.: Alum interaction with dendritic cell membrane lipids is essential for its adjuvanticity. Nat. Med., 2011; 17: 479–487
14. Marichal T., Ohata K., Bedoret D., et al.: DNA released from dying host cells mediates aluminum adjuvant activity. Nat. Med., 2011; 17: 996–1002
15. Snape M.D., Perrett K.P., Ford K.J., et al.: Immunogenicity of a tetravalent meningococcal glycoconjugate vaccine in infants: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA, 2008; 299: 173–184
16. Plotkin S.A., Orenstein W.A., Offit P.A.: Vaccines. 6th Ed. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders; 2012
17. Reed S.G., Orr M.T., Fox C.B.: Key roles of adjuvants in modern vaccines. Nat. Med., 2013; 19: 1597–1608
18. Duthie M.S., Windish H.P., Fox C.B., et al.: Use of defined TLR ligands as adjuvants within human vaccines. Immunol. Rev., 2011; 239: 178–196
19. Rappuoli R., Aderem A.: A 2020 vision for vaccines against HIV, tuberculosis and malaria. Nature, 2011; 473: 463–469
20. Palmer C.D., Ninković J., Prokopowicz Z.M., et al.: The effect of stable macromolecular complexes of ionic polyphosphazene on HIV Gag antigen and on activation of human dendritic cells and presentation to T-cells. Biomaterials, 2014; 35: 8876–8886
21. Azmi F., Ahmad Fuaad A.A., Skwarczynski M., et al.: Recent progress in adjuvant discovery for peptide-based subunit vaccines. Hum. Vaccin. Immunother., 2014; 10: 778–796
22. Hubbell J.A., Thomas S.N., Swartz M.A.: Materials engineering for immunomodulation. Nature, 2009; 462: 449–460
23. Sanders H., Kaaijk P., van den Dobbelsteen G.P.: Preclinical evaluation of MenB vaccines: prerequisites for clinical development. Expert Rev. Vaccines, 2013; 12: 31–42
24. Flower D.R.: Systematic identification of small molecule adjuvants. Expert Opin. Drug Discov., 2012; 7: 807–817
25. Mastelic B., Garçon N., Del Giudice G., et al.: Predictive markers of safety and immunogenicity of adjuvanted vaccines. Biologicals, 2013; 41: 458–468

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